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下記のようなスクリプトを tinierclock.shで保存します。

# A real barebones desktop clock. Written by Richard A. Rost Aug. 5, 2012
# Use one of the following commands to launch this script, adjust the position (+1860+1060) to suit.

# For 24 hour format use:
# aterm -geometry 8x1+1860+1060 -bl -si -sb -sk -sl 0 -fade 100 -e sh -c /PATH/TO/tinierclock.sh

# For 12 hour format, comment the 24 hour line and uncomment the 12 hour line, then use:

# aterm -geometry 10x1+1860+1060 -bl -si -sb -sk -sl 0 -fade 100 -e sh -c /PATH/TO/tinierclock.sh
echo -ne '\033[?25l' # Hide the cursor
while true
	echo -ne `/bin/date +'%T'` # Display the time (24 hour format)
#	echo -ne `/bin/date +'%I:%M:%S%p'` # Display the time (12 hour format)
	sleep 1
	echo -ne '\033[1G' # Move the cursor back to column 1

これを、>chmod +x ./tinierclock.shでパーミッションを変えたうえで

aterm -geometry 8x1-1+1 -bl -si -sb -sk -sl 0 -fade 100 -e sh -c ./tinierclock.sh &
